Does Serious Music Belong in Pop? Borrowings from Stravinsky in the Music of Frank Zappa

Yesterday morning, I read a paper at a meeting of the Northern California Chapter of the American Musicological Society at Stanford. It went pretty well! There was a wonderful audience that provided some stimulating questions and conversation afterward.

A couple of readers (feeling teased by the abstracts I’ve posted lately) have asked me to post my papers, so I’ve decided to do just that. Keep in mind that this is a work in progress…

Click here to download a PDF version of the paper. (Slides and visual examples appear at the end of the PDF.) Or, follow the jump to read the html version.

UPDATE (2/10/2010): In hopes of providing audible examples of some of the tracks (but without infringing upon any copyrights myself) I’ve embedded the audio from two YouTube videos–one for “Status Back Baby” and another for “Fountain of Love.” Be warned, however: I did not upload the embedded media. It may be subject to changes beyond my control. The video for “Fountain of Love” has an odd mix and may not initially seem to match my transcription. You’ll have to listen hard! (A video with “In-A-Gadda-Stravinsky” could not be found.)

Continue reading “Does Serious Music Belong in Pop? Borrowings from Stravinsky in the Music of Frank Zappa”

Does Serious Music Belong in Pop? Borrowings from Stravinsky in the Music of Frank Zappa

ABSTRACT: Temporality, Intentionality, and Authenticity in Frank Zappa’s Xenochronous Works

Several days ago I received word from the IASPM-US (the International Association for the Study of Popular Music) 2010 program committee that I had another paper accepted. This conference, entitled “Births, Stages, Declines, Revivals,” will take place in New Orleans at Loyola University April 8-11, 2010. Jump for the abstract.

Continue reading “ABSTRACT: Temporality, Intentionality, and Authenticity in Frank Zappa’s Xenochronous Works”

ABSTRACT: Temporality, Intentionality, and Authenticity in Frank Zappa’s Xenochronous Works