Gargling Carrot Juice

Earlier, I mentioned a 1989 interview in which Zappa described a performance by John Cage:

A short time after that, John Cage came to Claremont College and he was giving one of his … he does these performances with a throat microphone. He’d put this thing on his throat and drink a quart of carrot juice, or read something to you while he was drinking the carrot juice. [1]

I suggested that Zappa was referring to a concert he attended at Bridges Hall at Pomona College (in Claremont, CA) on March 7, 1962 in which Cage and David Tudor performed Where Are We Going? And What Are We Doing? and Variations II. Neither of these pieces fits the carrot-juice description, so I thought I’d look into it a little more.

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Gargling Carrot Juice

The Return of “Water Walking and Bicycle Blowing”

After my second post about John Cage’s influence on Zappa yesterday, Arthur left a comment directing me to a lecture that Zappa gave (along with George Duke and Captain Beefheart) at Gifford Auditorium in Syracuse on April 23, 1975. Arthur sent me a .torrent file (many thanks, Arthur!), but I see now that the lecture is available streaming at “The Captain Beefheart Radar Station” website. (Listen here.)

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The Return of “Water Walking and Bicycle Blowing”

Water Walking and Bicycle Blowing (part 2)

Following up on my previous post (discussing Cage’s influence on Zappa with regards to performances they gave on popular television shows), I’d like to discuss some of Zappa’s comments on Cage and get into the issue of influence a little deeper. What follows is a (roughly chronological) account of instances where Zappa talks about Cage explicitly.

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Water Walking and Bicycle Blowing (part 2)

Water Walking and Bicycle Blowing (part 1)

Most of you are probably already familiar with the following videos:

(The remainder of Zappa’s performance can be found here.) These videos have made the rounds numerous times over the years, but I don’t know if anyone’s ever looked into any possible connections between Cage and Zappa. To me, these two performances and their respective contexts are too similar to be coincidental. I think it’s very likely that Zappa saw Cage’s appearance on television and modeled his own performance on it. Even if there isn’t such a direct connection between the two videos, I think it’s more than likely that Zappa at least had some of Cage’s theory in mind.

I think there’s a lot to say here, so I’ll limit my discussion here to a little background info on the two videos. I’ll follow up in a second post with a brief analysis of Zappa’s discourse regarding Cage.

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Water Walking and Bicycle Blowing (part 1)